An Archetype is a consistently recurring pattern. An archetype can be culturally specific or universal. Both the universal and the culturally defined types, while sharing enough common features to make them recognisable as consistently recurring patterns are fluidic enough to allow variants of meaning and value to the individual perceiving them.
Archeplasm is the medium that supports the manifestation of Archetypes, either singularly or as a functional melding of many. Specifically, Woman is archeplasmic in that woman contains the potential to be a mother. Man is archeplasmic in that he contains the potential to be a father.
Archeplasticity is the capacity of a person or a thing to act in an Archeplastic way, which is – to have the qualities of Archeplasm: The potential to manifest archetypes.
The greater a person or a things archeplasticity the greater their potential to become (or to appear to become) different; the greater their potential to mean different things.
Here is an example:
image courtesy of Christine McConnell
Domestic Goddess who makes Sinister Sweets
In real terms then, our capacity for Archeplasticity is what enables us to be what we need to be, or what we want to be, instead of trying to be what we think we should be, or might be.
The more Archeplastic we are the more we enable Archetypal energies to emerge through us with less resistance.
Whether or not this is a good thing, I shall leave each one to decide upon what merits you consider applicable.
Bonne appétit,
Mr X
All Material © 2014