Archeplasm. Part 2.

ArcheplasmLets get this straight, Archeplasm is everywhere.

Being a neutrally charged mythoetheric substance, it’s presence in the Universe is bound by operators perceptions of it and their capacity to perceive the Archeverse that comes into being through it.

What does that mean?

To start with it means that when it is perceived it exists, but when you try to look at it directly it disappears.

Whether or not Archeplasm exists prior to it being perceived is a difficult question to answer, as is the question of whether it existed prior to it being discovered in the first place.

As Archeplasm is raw potential one might conclude that it did, and for the sake of this enquiry we shall assume that that was indeed the case.

Because Archeplasm is raw potential it can never be observed directly in the universe, this is because as soon as we observe a thing we perceive it’s limitations, and though perceiving it’s limitations Archeplasm would loose it’s potentiality to be anything else. Only once one perceives metanormality clearly can one begin to glimpse the Archeplasm that operates behind it’s emanations.

Because it is impossible to directly perceive it, other than through the imagination, Archeplasm is what is known as a mythoetheric substance. We can experience it’s effects and attempt to imagine exploring or embodying the fundamental principles of it’s nature, and in doing so broaden our comprehension of the universe, we just can’t experience it directly with our senses.

Which probably just as well.





Mr X





All Material ©2014



Archenaut & Ideoformer

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