Uncommon Economic Theory

The function of all economic ideologies is the distribution of resources. 

Historically this has proven, almost exclusively, to ends up inequitably. 

Philosophers emerge on both sides of the divide to justify the formulation and maintenance / or rebellion against the established order, in order to resolve these inequities or to maintain them.

Established and contraindicative positions get internalised and then projected back out into the world. 

The fundamental issue in all cases appears to be equity though and the questions of either ‘How do we equalise the share of resources in relation to the effort that we, as individuals expend’ OR ‘How do we maintain the inequity of the resource divide and maintain our disproportionate ownership.’

Divided we stand. On one side those who have more and those who have less. 

The struggle of power to maintain the divide between those who have enough to hire those who have less to keep those who have even less ganging up on those with the most and beating the living shite out of them.

Not the most erudite explication of economic theory I’ll grant you.

Possibly the most accurate you have read today though.

Mr X


Archenaut & Ideoformer

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