The Quantum Santa Claus Theorem
Just to be clear on this, when someone tells me that they don’t believe in Father Christmas what they are actually saying is that they don’t believe that there is a single person called...
t h e j a u n t y c o n t i n u u m
t h e j a u n t y c o n t i n u u m
Just to be clear on this, when someone tells me that they don’t believe in Father Christmas what they are actually saying is that they don’t believe that there is a single person called...
The Universe is everything there is. The Archeverse is the bit that is responsible for imagining the you that is imagining the Universe. Honestly, Mr X all material...
Lets get this straight, Archeplasm is everywhere. Being a neutrally charged mythoetheric substance, it’s presence in the Universe is bound by operators perceptions of it and their capacity to perceive the Archeverse that comes...