The Great Walk: Conversations
It was one of those party’s that started in the middle of the afternoon. One of those parties where those attending are old enough to know how to pace themselves to make it through to breakfast...
t h e j a u n t y c o n t i n u u m
t h e j a u n t y c o n t i n u u m
It was one of those party’s that started in the middle of the afternoon. One of those parties where those attending are old enough to know how to pace themselves to make it through to breakfast...
There are many ways in which Art can be perceived as a revolutionary act. The most powerful for me is through the internal revolution of the self; to engage in experience in a way that shifts...
All my life I have been thinking of ways to make a living from art, when it turns out making art has been my means of living life. You’re Welcome, Mr X ...